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JSS Upgrade Ansible Playbook

This playbook will update a clustered JSS using files from a manual installation.


  • Ansible
  • httplib2 on all remote hosts. (ubuntu: sudo apt-get install python-httplib2 osx: look it up based on your python install)


			├── group_vars
			│	├── all                 # Update this file to include the new/old versions you're working with. E.g. 9.7 to 9.72
			├── hosts                 # Host file for your environment. This example has production and test
			├── roles                 # Directory for server "roles"
			│	├── stop_services       # Load and stress tests
			│	│ ├── tasks               
			│ │ │   ├── main.yml      # .yml file to stop tomcat7 service 
			├── webapp                # Directory for Web App Role
			│	├── files                   
			│ │ ├── 9.7				# JSS Version 9.7
			│ │ │   ├── ROOT.war      # ROOT.war from Manual Install on version 9.7
			│ │	├── 9.72				# JSS Version 9.72
			│ │ │   ├── ROOT.war      # ROOT.war from Manual Install on version 9.72 
			│ │ ├── DataBase.xml      # DataBase.xml from YOUR server. Note: This is blank
			│ │ ├──  # from YOUR server. Note: This is blank
			│ ├── tasks                   
			│ │ ├── main.yml          # .yml file to perform the upgrade
			│ └── site.yml            # Main .yml file for playbook. 

Steps to Take

  • Setup Ansible
  • Setup Hosts with Public Key Authentication
  • Configure hosts file for your orginization
  • configure group_vars/all file to include version you are working with
  • Copy the ROOT.war from JSS Manual Install Download into appropriate directory. (Create one if you need)
  • Replace DataBase.xml with one from your environment /path/to/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/xml/DataBase.xml
  • Replace with one from your environment /path/to/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/
  • Only run in a test environment until you are comfortable with changes that are being made.

Test run of this playbook

ansible-playbook -i /path/to/hosts /path/to/site.yml --verbose --check

Update: 06-06-2015 Added logic to wait on upgrade to complete before continuing to upgrade additoinal webapps.